Family Nutrition Center

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Breast Cancer Walk Announcement

I am a huge supporter of professional associations. Involvement in your own profession is key to making a difference and seeing your vision come to fruition. With that said, I am a member (and past President) of the Broward County Dietetic Association (BCDA). I wanted to share with my readers and followers that the BCDA has created a team for the upcoming Breast Cancer walk in Fort Lauderdale. Simply click HERE and enter "Broward County Dietetic Association" under "Team Name" to join, donate, walk, have fun, and contribute a great cause.

American Cancer Society "Making Strides Walk" Details -
When: Saturday, October 9, 2010
Where: Huizenga Park (Bubier Park) 32 East Las Olas Blvd, Fort Lauderdale 33301
Registration opens at 7:30 AM Walk begins at 9 AM

Contribution in any shape or form is much appreciated! Thank you.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Japango FUNdraiser a Success!! Kids Weigh Out a Success!!

Just one short week ago, the Family Nutrition Center Foundation had it's 2nd fundraiser. To refresh your memory, I have started a 501(c)3 non-profit to help low-income families. Moreover, these deserving families have youth who are overweight and obese with co-morbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol and have been denied nutrition coverage by their insurance, including Medicaid.

Elizabeth Seeley, RD, LD is the non-profit's fund seeker and group program educator; together we may provide FREE programs on a weekly basis [pending funding.] Our current weekly program is entitled "Kids Weigh Out" And, thanks to (1) Whole Foods Market Coral Springs for giving us some seed money, (2) Japango Restaurant and Lounge for hosting our latest social, and (3) to the generous folks who showed up last Friday to make donations, eat, drink, and socialize at Japango, "Kids Weigh Out" is flourishing.

Lesson 1 of 6 went off with out a hitch this week! Of course we must also thank Northwest Medical Center who is giving us an extremely fair deal to use their conference rooms for our classes. THANK YOU! The room was packed Tuesday night with families who were eager and ready to learn about healthy eating. Elizabeth and I are very excited for Lesson 2. We'll keep you posted on our progress...

Friday, September 10, 2010

National Cholesterol Education Month

Did you know that in addition to older adults, children and young adults can have high cholesterol? In fact, more than 102 million American adults (20 years and older) have total cholesterol levels at or above 200mg/dL -- this is ABOVE healthy levels -- AND more than 35 million of these people have levels of 240 mg/dL OR HIGHER which puts them at risk for heart disease.

September is National Cholesterol Education Month - Now is as good a time as any to get your blood cholesterol checked AND learn what your cholesterol levels mean!!

The Licensed and Registered Dietitians at the Family Nutrition Center can help. We can teach you how to prevent high cholesterol or lower your cholesterol if it is high. HOW? We will go over your lipid profiles and your food and lifestyle choices and make recommendations to help you meet your personal cholesterol goals. We're hear to help; give us a call. 954-972-2123

Friday, September 03, 2010

National Potato Month

Happy Friday! Did you know that...among other things...September is National Potato Month?

This weekend as you gear up to BBQ and make homemade potato salad :) consider making it with vegetables like celery, red bell peppers, corn, and red onions (which are really purple in color) - Eat the Rainbow! Also, use low fat mayonnaise. If you want to be really adventurous, you can make your own dressing with olive or canola oil, red wine vinegar, minced garlic, and your favorite Mrs. Dash.

Note: If your Labor Day meal includes pasta salad, the Family Nutrition Center recommends low fat dressing and veggies here too. Examples: steamed then chilled broccoli and/or asparagus; raw grated carrots; defrosted/fresh/canned, rinsed peas.

Have a Safe and Nutritious THREE DAY WEEKEND!!