Family Nutrition Center

Monday, August 09, 2010

Excuses and Exploitation

Warning: I'm on my soap box this morning...

Don't let those parents of the overweight and obese children fool you. You know the ones...did you catch the TODAY SHOW this morning? The one MOM’S excuse was that her child became overweight because of all of the surgeries she had due to Blount's Disease. Who is she fooling? Blount's disease is CAUSED by obesity! The parents also mentioned MONEY as an excuse. I would like to go into their kitchen and see if I find Kool-Aid, Capri Sun, or Hi-C and cookies & chips instead of food....all products that are full of processed sugar and NOT necessary for these kids.

To EVERY parent: Stop buying the sugary drinks, processed cookies, and fatty chips and then you can afford to purchase fruits and vegetables...fresh, frozen, canned. Shoot for 5 A least!! Too, if you find a Farmer's Market near you, you can buy even more produce for your $$.

I truly am VERY passionate about TREATMENT, but I just wish that these kids had help before they got to being 20, 40, 70 pounds overweight. That way, we wouldn't have these TV shows exploiting these children and families.

Final Thought: I truly care for these children and it hurts me to see them with a myriad of health problems [formally thought to only affect adults] like diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.


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