Family Nutrition Center

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Your Weigh Out

Are you female?
Are you looking for a way to lose weight?
Are you strapped for time?
Do you dread driving to appointments?
And, do you feel like you are the only one trying to lose weight?

The Family Nutrition Center has "Your Weigh Out"

Join our weekly ONLINE meeting (6-weeks in length) Tuesdays starting November 10th
Time: 7:30-8:15 PM

This online weight reduction group is anonymous and for women only. Facilitators include Lucille Beseler, MS, RD, LD, CDE, President and owner of Family Nutrition Center, and Elizabeth Seeley, RD, LD

Are you wondering how it works?

Option 1: No registration fee. Purchase of OsoLean and GlycoSlim Meal Replacement formula required. Complimentary individualized meal plan and review of intake records on a weekly basis by a Registered Dietitian, and weekly webinar.

Option 2: $25 registration fee [for 6-week program.] Complimentary generalized meal plan, and weekly webinar.

Call 954-972-2123 today to discuss which option is right for you!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

13 Tips for Better Eaters

1. Feed regularly: 3 meals, 2 snacks, fluids to avoid low blood sugar, severe hunger.
2. Plan menus a few days at a time.
3. Cook one meal for the whole family and eat it together.
4. Stay neutral about food and eating.
5. Introduce new foods slowly and positively.
6. Use dips, dressings, and condiments.
7. Eat protein for breakfast.
8. Get kids to help in food preparation and cooking.
9. Wean off unhealthy foods.
10. Allow, but limit, treats. Forbidden fruit is always the juiciest.
11. Be creative and fun with food.
12. Model good eating and food habits yourself.
13. Remember, balance is the key to good food habits.

Excerpt from Nurturing with Nutrition.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Thank You Darlene Moppert for Putting Vegan Lunches in Broward's Schools

The Family Nutrition Center would like to dedicate this Friday's blog to a special, local Dietitian colleague and friend Darlene Moppert, MS, RD, LD/N. Darlene wears many hats and does a lot for our community. Darlene has held the position of program manager of nutrition education and training for Broward County Public Schools since 1994. In that role, she helped craft the district's wellness policy.

Recently, Darlene has collaborated with Dr. Neal Barnard - founder of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM). Together, Darlene and Dr. Barnard have brought vegan and vegetarian options into Broward's schools and they were a success!! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for supplying our youth with healthy lunches!

Click here to view the article.

The Family Nutrition Center is also open to plant-based eating. Our newest staff Dietitian, Elizabeth Seeley, RD, LD has created "Vegan for a Day" - FNC's newest wellness and weight loss initiative promoting plant-based eating. Call our office today and schedule an appointment with Ms. Seeley if you want to start losing inches and feeling great - 954-972-2123

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Coping with a Picky Eater

  • Toddlers...and kids commonly go on "food jags". That is, they want to eat the same food day after day. Go with it! It will run it's course, and it won't be terrible if your toddler is deficient in a few food groups for a couple of weeks. After a few weeks, vary the favorite food or menu slightly.
  • Avoid feeding too often. Spacing meals and snacks at specific intervals is important so he/she will feel hungry. Then again, some kids may fill up at one meal and cruise until empty
  • Serve simpler foods to keep flavors fresh and true!
  • It's okay if your child leaves food on the plate.
  • Never force, pressure, or bribe your child to clean his plate. Toddlers have small tummies and short attention spans. When your child is hungry he/she will eat and should NEVER be expected to eat to please you.
  • Expect toddlers to object, reject, or complain about new or all food on the his/her plate. Keep serving the new food periodically so you do not contribute to his pickiness.
  • Toddlers may consistently refuse certain types of foods. Respect his/her preferences if they are strong and few -- You don't like everything either.
  • Introduce a sample size of a new food when your child is hungry; and only introduce one new food at a time.
  • Offer a variety of easy to manage foods, but never bribe and do not create a power struggle if your child refuses to eat.
  • Relax. Pushing your child to eat gives him negative attention and increases pickiness; and worrying only makes things worse.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Preventing a Picky Toddler

Excerpt from Nurturing with Nutrition...

Growth slows down after the first birthday, so toddlers require less calories per pound of body weight, and therefore less food. The growth rate is only one-tenth of what it was when they were babies.
  • Recognize that your child does NOT have the same eating pattern. He/she may only have a few bites at breakfast yet devour 3 servings at dinner. Follow his/her lead and respect your toddler's hunger cues.
  • Picky eaters want to graze all over the place. Make sure your toddler always eats at the table.
  • Eliminate as many distractions as possible at meal times.
  • Keep it Simple. Avoid giving your toddler too many choices. Keep the look of the plate simple.
  • If giving choices, limit it to two. Toddlers reject foods so they can be in control over decision-making.
  • Avoid overwhelming your toddler with too much food. Keep portion sizes small. Use the 1 Tablespoon rule: serve one Tbsp of each food for each year of your toddler's age.
  • Allow enough time for peaceful eating, but not enough time for dawdling. Let your child set the pace. Note: 20 min is enough time for a hungry child to eat a meal.
  • Realize that sometimes it's just more fun to play with food than to eat it. Let your child feed him or herself and you decide the rules of how and how long.
  • Limit snacking and liquids between meals. Too much MILK and JUICE is a MAJOR cause of poor eating. Limit juice to 4-8 oz A DAY and milk to 16 oz [for 12-24 month olds] and no more than 24 oz [for 2-5 years olds] A DAY. The rest of liquids may be water.
  • Finally, be a good Role Model for what and how you want your children to eat.
Stay Tuned for "Coping with a Picky Toddler"

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Nutrition During Breast Cancer Treatment

As I am sure you know, October is National Breast Cancer Month! Remember: Making Strides 5K Walk is THIS Saturday, 9th at Las Olas. Click here for more details.

Nutrition during breast cancer treatment is far different from nutrition advice that you may be used to hearing. A Registered and Licensed Dietitian, like those at the Family Nutrition Center, can help you or a loved one create a specialized meal plan that takes into account the different medications and treatments you may be using.

As always, a diet including a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes is essential for good health. Fiber (found in the above foods) is especially important to ensure proper elimination if you are on bed rest.

On behalf of the Dietitians and Staff at the Family Nutrition Center - we hope to see you at Huizenga Park on Saturday. We'll be there Making Strides!

Friday, October 01, 2010

Introducing Elizabeth Seeley, RD, LD

Good morning all,
It has been over a week since my last post. My apologies. We have been very busy at the Family Nutrition Center - which is wonderful! Too, my colleague, Elizabeth Seeley, RD, LD and I have been busy organizing programs and planning events for the Family Nutrition Center Foundation.

I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce you to Elizabeth Seeley - Ms. Seeley joined the Center and Foundation just this May; Elizabeth wears multiple hats during her time with us. On behalf of the Family Nutrition Center, Elizabeth is involved with (1) the Craniofacial Clinic at Joe Dimaggo hospital on Tuesday mornings, and (2) she conducts a weekly Webinar on Wednesday nights [with me] for women who want to reach a healthy weight but don't have time to come to our office during normal operating hours. (3) Elizabeth has also been a contributer to the blog; plus (4) she is counseling clients at our office. Ms. Seeley's specialty and passion is vegan and vegetarian nutrition.

On behalf of the Family Nutrition Center Foundation, Elizabeth (5) conducts a weekly wellness and weight loss program for youth every Tuesday night at Northwest Medical Center - located right next to our office building. (6) She also organizes fund raising events to help keep our non-profit organization flourishing.

For details on any of the above programs/events, please do not hesitate to contact Elizabeth at our office. Elizabeth and I wish for you all to have a safe and active weekend!