Family Nutrition Center

Friday, December 10, 2010

LaBamba II Fundraiser a Success!! Teen's Weigh Out a Success!!

Last night, the Family Nutrition Center (FNC) Foundation had it's 3rd fundraiser. Our gracious host LaBamba II in Margate, FL, specifically restaurant manager Manual, donated free appetizers and slashed drink prices in half for all attendees. All in attendance donated at least $10 to the cause and enjoyed a fun night filled with great food and delightful company.

ALL money raised went to support the FNC Foundation 501c3 non-profit organization and the "Weigh Out" Programs including "Kid's Weigh Out" and "Teen's Weigh Out".

This coming Tuesday, Elizabeth Seeley, RD, LD will hold a Teen's Weigh Out graduation class for the nine families she has been working with since November. These nine families were initially chosen to participate in Teen's Weigh Out - a FREE program -because (1) at least one member of the household is obese, (2) their insurance will not cover nutrition counseling / medical nutrition therapy, and (3) the parents' can not afford to pay for a nutrition visit privately.

Elizabeth and I are very proud of the strides that these families are making and we are so grateful to have dedicated friends and colleagues who support our programs. Thank YOU!


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