Family Nutrition Center

Monday, August 30, 2010

Do You Know Your Youth's Percentile?

The prevalence of American children who are overweight and obese has never been higher! Results from the 2007-2008 National Health Examination Survey (NHANES), using measures of heights and weights, indicate that an estimated 17% of youth ages 2-19 years of age are obese - no just overweight, but OBESE!

Obese youth are at risk for health problems DURING their youth and as adults. Too, obese children and adolescents are more likely to become obese adults. One study found that approx. 80% of children who were overweight at ages 10-15 were obese adults at 25 years of age.

My conclusion from the above statistics: Don't wait until it's too late. Seek help now!

For youth aged 2-19 years...

-Overweight is defined as having a BMI at or above the 85th percentile and lower than the 95th percentile.

-Obesity is defined as a BMI at or above the 95th percentile for youth of the same age and gender.

To calculate your child's BMI click HERE.

Note: BMI for age must be plotted on a growth chart to determine the percentile. Has your child been plotted on a growth chart recently? Do you know your child's percentile?

Call the Family Nutrition Center at 954-972-2123 to schedule an appointment for your child, family, husband, wife and we can make sure you are on the right track.

*Statistics obtained from

Friday, August 27, 2010

A Note About Human Chrionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) Hormone

This hormone came to my attention by way of a mother who came to my office with her teen who was about 10-15 pounds overweight. The mother wanted to pursue the use of the HCG hormone which I believe is quite radical.

Please read below. I have pasted a few excerpts from the article HCG Worthless as Weight-Loss Aid By Stephen Barrett, M.D.

Human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) is a hormone found in the urine of pregnant women. More than 50 years ago, Dr. Albert T. Simeons, a British-born physician, contended that HCG injections would enable dieters to subsist comfortably on a 500 Calorie a day diet. He claimed that HCG would mobilize stored fat; suppress appetite; and redistribute fat from the waist, hips, and thighs. There is NO scientific evidence to support these claims. Moreover, a 500 Calorie (semi-starvation) diet is likely to result in loss of protein from vital organs, and HCG can cause other adverse effects.

Since 1975, the FDA has required labeling and advertising of HCG to state: "HCG has not been demonstrated to be effective adjunctive therapy in the treatment of obesity. There is no substantial evidence that it increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or 'normal' distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restricted diets."

The Family Nutrition Center does NOT endorse this unsafe hormone or the suggested unsafe starvation diet of Dr. Simeons. We believe in food as medicine; that is, we can help reduce your weight and stabilize your blood sugars by giving you the knowledge and tools for portion control and carbohydrate counting. To learn more and to make an appointment to see one of our experienced Registered Dietitians, please call our office in Margate at 954-972-2123. Don't live in South Florida? We have group online weight loss programs that you can call and listen to from the comfort of your home!

Have a Safe and Healthy Weekend!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Calorie Booster Recipe

True. There are too many people - adults and youth alike who are overweight and obese. There are also families with youth who are struggling to gain or maintain their weight for proper growth. For these kids (even the picky ones) I have a recipe that is sure to win over their taste buds!

"Yogurt Smoothies for Kids" from my book Nurturing with Nutrition

There is no need to add protein powder; Carnation provides good vitamins and minerals.

1 cup fruit
1 cup yogurt
1/4 package vanilla Carnation instant breakfast

Blend in a blender or food processor. Serves 2.

*Fun Tip for Picky Eaters: Serve in a fun cup with a colorful swirly straw.

Monday, August 16, 2010

What the ADA has to say about Meal Replacements

The American Dietetic Association (ADA) has an Evidenced Based Library in which multiple research studies are reviewed. The results from all of the studies (on a similar subject) are gathered and a conclusion statement is formulated. For the query...
"In healthy adults, how effective (in terms of client adherence and weight loss and maintenance) are meal replacements (liquid meals, meal bars, frozen prepackaged meals)?"
The conclusion from ADA is as follows: "Several studies comparing isocaloric diets have shown an equivalent or greater weight loss efficacy with structured meal replacement plans, compared to reduced calorie diet treatments. One or two daily vitamin- and mineral-fortified meal replacements, supplemented with self-selected meals and snacks, may be a successful weight loss and weight maintenance strategy for overweight and obese adults who have difficulty with self-selection of food and portion control."
The Family Nutrition Center is proud to endorse GlycoSlim and OsoLean. If you are interested in signing up for our FREE*, online weight loss program - call the office 954-972-2123 to sign up. *Purchase of 6-week supply of GlycoSlim and OsoLean required in order to receive PRICELESS online counseling from our qualified and experienced Registered Dietitians :) Program starts next Wednesday!!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Keeping it Light - Apple Salad

Monday was a HEATED blog, so I'll keep it light and fresh today...literally :) Here is a delicious snack from my book Nurturing with Nutrition.

Apple Salad
1/4 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt
1 large apple, cut in small pieces
3 Tbsp raisins
2 Tbsp celery, finely chopped
1/4 tsp cinnamon
4 lettuce leaves (optional)

Mix first five ingredients and chill for 30 minutes. Serve inside lettuce leaves, if desired. Enjoy!

Monday, August 09, 2010

Excuses and Exploitation

Warning: I'm on my soap box this morning...

Don't let those parents of the overweight and obese children fool you. You know the ones...did you catch the TODAY SHOW this morning? The one MOM’S excuse was that her child became overweight because of all of the surgeries she had due to Blount's Disease. Who is she fooling? Blount's disease is CAUSED by obesity! The parents also mentioned MONEY as an excuse. I would like to go into their kitchen and see if I find Kool-Aid, Capri Sun, or Hi-C and cookies & chips instead of food....all products that are full of processed sugar and NOT necessary for these kids.

To EVERY parent: Stop buying the sugary drinks, processed cookies, and fatty chips and then you can afford to purchase fruits and vegetables...fresh, frozen, canned. Shoot for 5 A least!! Too, if you find a Farmer's Market near you, you can buy even more produce for your $$.

I truly am VERY passionate about TREATMENT, but I just wish that these kids had help before they got to being 20, 40, 70 pounds overweight. That way, we wouldn't have these TV shows exploiting these children and families.

Final Thought: I truly care for these children and it hurts me to see them with a myriad of health problems [formally thought to only affect adults] like diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

Friday, August 06, 2010

World Breastfeeding Week August 1-7, 2010

As World Breastfeeding Week 2010 comes to a close, let us not forget how important breastfeeding is for mother and baby. Let us affirm ALL moms for breastfeeding. Here are some ideas to say to breastfeeding moms...

"You must be a great mom. Look at how he/she is looking at you"
"You are such a great mom to provide you baby with the best nutrition!"

And, to all moms who are breastfeeding - Don't forget to affirm yourselves! Here are some things you can tell yourself.

"I can do this"
"My body makes the perfect nourishment for my baby"
"My breasts are the perfect size for my baby's needs"

Have a Happy and Nutritious Weekend from the Family Nutrition Center!

Monday, August 02, 2010

FREE Online Women's Weight Loss Program Announcement

Your Weigh Out is a unique Online program that is FREE to participants who have purchased GlycoSlim Meal Replacement products and OsoLean Whey Protein Supplements.

What makes our program different? All education is provided by Registered Dietitians that have counseled thousands of people, just like you, with a very high success rate. This 6-week program will offer online education and support with a Registered Dietitian.

There is no fee for the program, so there will be no “make-up” classes, but you will get email tips, recipes and reminders for staying on track. It’s like having your own personal dietitian at your fingertips!

-Register by calling the office at 954-972-2123

-Office staff will initiate your online order of Meal Replacement and fat burning protein powder (minimum order is a 6-week supply = $279 + tax/shipping&handling)

-First Online Meeting will be August 25, 2010; Site announced to participants only. Call today to reserve you spot for this unique opportunity!